[Download] The Book of Boba Fett : Season 1 Dual Audio 1080p


[Download] The Book of Boba Fett : Season 1 Dual Audio 1080p

The Book of Boba Fett’ Episode One Review

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away debuted a streaming service called Disney Plus. With the birth of the service came along one of its first pieces of original content and an overall tone setter for the platform, The Mandalorian. To say that it became a hit would be a severe understatement. A cultural phenomenon is a better label for what served as the first live-action TV show set in the Star Wars universe. It has spanned two excellent seasons so far and has captivated fans everywhere. Part of the success of the show was based on the lore expansion it brought to Star Wars, as well as the introduction and return of many known characters.

One of the aforementioned returns was of one character whom many considered to be their favorite bounty hunter until Din Djarin came along–Boba Fett. Fans have been clamoring for the return of Boba Fett for years. His appearance took many by surprise, but to say it was welcome would be yet another understatement. He, along with new character Fennec Shand, were highlights of the second season. Not only were the characters a highlight, but many praised director Robert Rodriguez for his work on the episode which introduced the characters. One post credits scene later, The Book of Boba Fett was officially announced and Rodriguez was appointed the showrunner.

Expectations for the series are high, which is to be expected. Factors such as the success of The Mandalorian, this being another entry in the Star Wars universe, and the focus on a beloved character all play a role. The fact that pretty much the entirety of the show is being kept under wraps heavily only adds to the intrigue its building. Another element that adds a certain pressure to deliver is that this is the first Star Wars show in general that focuses solely on a previously known character. With the stage set, does the premiere set up yet another great entry into the Star Wars TV universe? Or does the bounty hunter miss the target? Let’s find out!

The first episode of The Book of Boba Fett did exactly what it needed to do, albeit in an extremely vague and disappointing manner. So much so that if this show didn’t have a predecessor to it, the idea of people not tuning into episode 2 wouldn’t seem ludicrous. It was a short episode, but it did a good enough job to demonstrate what it was trying to establish. A particular highlight was the score by the great Ludwig Goransson. Present throughout the whole episode, it had a primal feel to it that was felt heavily throughout the short duration. It felt similar to his previous Star Wars work, but different enough to stand on its own.

The main issue here is that the episode falls to many of the problems that surround typical debut episodes. In this instance, there just isn’t really much to go off on. Many people thought the same when The Mandalorian debuted, but this offers even less than that from the start. It’s not to say that what was on screen was bad, because it wasn’t the case at all. It paints a picture of what the show can be, which at its best seems to be a deep exploration into what makes the man behind the mask.

Not all is bad though, as some of the choices made definitely show promise with regard to what’s to come. A chase scene between Fennec Shand and some assailants was of particular note, as well as the whole introductory sequence. It featured very minimal dialogue yet was attention grabbing with what it presented. Again, the substance is clearly present for what it is establishing. It just wasn’t enough to go on for an initial episode. A dual-episode premiere, which has been seen with various Marvel Studios shows, would’ve benefited The Book of Boba Fett greatly in this instance.

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Overall, the first episode of The Book of Boba Fett established the mark on what the show can be and what its aiming for. Unfortunately, it falls short in delivering a memorable debut episode as a whole. With nothing really of note, it doesn’t leave the viewer wanting more or particularly excited for what’s to come. Although typical with many debut episodes, one may think that this property would provide a little more than it did in its initial outing. – Kenneth Colon

Grade – 6.5/10

The Book of Boba Fett Premieres New Episodes Every Wednesday on Disney+

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